Saturday, September 28, 2013

The First Saturday School in Memphis. Congrats Hanley on a Great Day!

This was probably the best Saturday School I have seen in the history of my time at Aspire.  Parents and students played literacy games, enjoyed lunch together and took home books.  Megan and Nick did a phenomenal job putting this together. Representative GA Hardaway joined us and read to students.  Such a great day!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Aspire on the Run!

A group of teammates joined a race on Friday night in Cooper Young for good health and they promoted Aspire at the same time.  Go Team!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Commissioner Huffman Visits

            Kevin Huffman, our Education Commisioner  and Allison Leslie, our Executive Director.
 The parents had a lot to say! Representative Mark White and GA Hardaway joined us as well.
We had a wonderful time with Commisioner Huffman when he visited Hanley Elementary September 4, 2013.  He really wanted to spend time talking to the parents and learning about their experience. Here are some of the great quotes that were shared:

I got a call from my child’s teacher on a Saturday and he shared with me that my son got 100% on a test. I was so shocked that he called on a Saturday and that he was sharing good news.”

“Every day my student comes home exhausted from all of the hard work she is doing every day. She wakes up in the morning and can’t wait to get back to school.”

“My son wants to do his homework every night and reads his book for twenty minutes. The second week of school he came home talking about where he wanted to go to college.”

“It is so nice that the school has music, art, PE, technology and science. It is great that they have recess as well. It reminds me of how school used to be.”

“I love how much the teachers care about how well my student is doing. They are excited about their progress and share it with me.”


Saturday, August 10, 2013

The First Day of School!

We had a great first week at Hanley Elementary. The students were welcomed on the first day with a red carpet. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Senator Tate Visits Hanley

Charlotte Hoyle, Senator Tate, Carla Caviness and Allison Leslie visit during our playground build!