Thursday, July 25, 2013

Senator Tate Visits Hanley

Charlotte Hoyle, Senator Tate, Carla Caviness and Allison Leslie visit during our playground build!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Playground After!

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Playground Before

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KaBOOM! Playground Build at Hanley!

Such an awesome day! We couldn't do it without all of the amazing volunteers! Thanks for a wonderful new playground!

Summer Training Memphis Style!

Mary Welch joined us on the first day of summer training to share the history of Aspire. Everyone was really excited to hear from the first Aspire principal. After hearing from Mary we took a tour of Orange Mound with Mary Mitchell, the president of the Orange Mound Historical Society.  It was a wonderful start to summer training!

The First Ever Aspire Memphis School Retreat- Go Hanley Elementary!

The first day of the retreat was Monday July 15!  Ms. Reed and Ms. Harris did a wonderful job inspiring our new team and jumping right into to equity.  Teammates also spent time putting together a puzzle of our mission and vision. 

Awesome Accelerator Team

Larrise from Port City, Faye from Wilson Prep, Sirwan from Port City and Despina from Slauson spent the week with us getting the school ready. This picture was taken just before they went outside in a flash flood!

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